Mapping of transmission constraint studies
The publication of the studies of constraints on the public transmission network presents a 3 to 5 year forward view of residual constraints on the electricity transmission network in the various regions of mainland France, excluding Corsica, as part of the Schémas Régionaux de Raccordement au Réseau des Énergies Renouvelables (regional grid connection plans for renewable energies). These data reflect the prospective need for flexibility - modulation of generation, consumption, storage or other - on the network, depending on the season and projections for locally installed renewable energy production.
Data relating to prospective residual constraints studies on the public transmission network were updated on December 16, 2024 for all regions.
This update includes additional information on the occurrence and estimated average duration of each constraint.
In addition, constraints estimated to be present only during the day (between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.) are now displayed in yellow on the map.
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