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Find here the data on the French and European electricity markets, including prices and traded volumes. Graphs illustrate market trends, as well as periods of price hikes on wholesale electricity markets. Imported and exported Electricity volumes by France are also represented.

Équilibrage [ENGLISH]

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Activated upward and downward balancing energy on balancing market

Last update: 02 October 2024 at 10:20
Legend and filters >
Annual Monthly
        • Incomplete year
        • Preliminary data

        Informations and sources

        RTE ensures the balance of electricity flows on the transmission network at all times, as well as the security, safety and efficiency of this network, taking into account the technical constraints. To this end, RTE can modify the production or consumption of electricity on the network by calling on offers from producers or consumers. The purpose of the balancing mechanism is to enable RTE to manage the supply-demand balance and network flows on a near-real-time horizon. This graph shows the balances of upward and downward adjusted volumes on the balancing mechanism.

        • An upward activation is requested to compensate for a shortfall in electricity production in relation to consumption: 

        - by asking a generating plant to increase its electricity generation 

        - by asking a consumer to reduce electricity consumption (load curtailement) 

        - by importing energy from abroad. 

        • Conversely, a downward activation can be requested to compensate in case of surplus of electricity generation compared to consumption: 

        - by asking a production plant to reduce its electricity generation

        - by exporting energy abroad.



        Legend and filters

        Number of half-days for which a message was issued to signal insufficient offers on the balancing mechanism

        Last update: 02 October 2024 at 10:20
        Legend and filters >
        Annual Monthly
              • Incomplete year
              • Preliminary data

              Informations and sources

              This graph gives an annual and monthly view of the number of situations for which a message was issued to signal insufficient bids for upward or downward activations on the balancing mechanism. 

              • As part of the balancing mechanism and the management of the balance between electricity production and consumption in France, RTE receives daily information on the availability of electricity production facilities in France. 
              • When potentially risky situations are identified with regard to contingencies that may affect the supply-demand balance and lead to imbalances on the power system, RTE issues alert messages to ask producers and consumers to offer more flexibilities. Alerts may concern risks on positive unbalances  (surplus of generation in relation to consumption and insufficient downward flexibility) or negative unbalances on the power system ( when power demand outpaces generation).