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Find here the data on electricity generation in France, presented either in aggregate or in detail by generation type: nuclear, conventional thermal, hydro, solar, wind and renewable thermal. The graphs illustrate in particular the emergence of new production sectors in the energy mix, with the development of solar, onshore wind and offshore wind power production capacities.

Hydropower generation

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Evolution of hydropower generation

Last update: 02 October 2024 at 10:20
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Annual Monthly
Global Energy source
          • Incomplete year
          • Preliminary data

          Informations and sources

          Hydropower plants are an important part of the French electricity mix. 

          Hydropower plants can be divided into three categories, depending on the size of the reservoir upstream of the plant: 

          - Lake-type plants associated with a reservoir whose filling time exceeds 400 hours. Lake-type plants are managed on an annual basis, in order to use the available water when it is of maximum value to the power system, while respecting the technical constraints associated with water management in hydraulic valleys.

          - Lock-type plants associated with a reservoir whose filling time is between 2 and 400 hours. Lock-type plants are managed on a daily to weekly basis. 

          - Run-of-river plants associated with a reservoir whose filling time is less than 2 hours. Run-of-river plants have low modulation capacities and their production is mainly conditioned by hydraulic inflows.  

          This graph gives a monthly and annual overview of hydropower production in France, broken down by sub-sector: lake, lock, run-of-river, other.

          Production hydraulique en 2023

          La production hydraulique (58,8  TWh), qui est restée la deuxième filière de production électrique, a connu une nette reprise par rapport à l’année 2022 grâce notamment à des précipitations plus abondantes, qui ont permis de garder des niveaux de stock élevés.

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          Evolution of water reserves

          Last update: 02 October 2024 at 10:20
          Legend and filters >
                • Incomplete year
                • Preliminary data

                Informations and sources

                This graph presents an aggregated view of the producibility contained in water reserves in France.

                • The use of water in hydraulic dams is managed in such a way as to optimally distribute the production of the power plants concerned over time, by arbitrating between immediate use, or deferred use in substitution of more costly means of production. This is achieved by estimating the opportunity cost of deferred use of the power plant (or use value). The plant only produces at a given time if the market value of the electricity exceeds the opportunity cost of future use. The value depends on the time in question, the level of consumption, the level of remaining stock, as well as that of other modeled stocks and expected future prices for fuels and electricity. It may therefore happen that the use value of lake hydropower is higher than the cost of thermal power.
                • The graph shows, for each year, the evolution of water reserves in aggregated vision and converted into electrical producibility. The evolution of the hydraulic stock depends on the inflows received and the quantity of electricity produced by the hydropower plants.