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Find here the data on electricity generation in France, presented either in aggregate or in detail by generation type: nuclear, conventional thermal, hydro, solar, wind and renewable thermal. The graphs illustrate in particular the emergence of new production sectors in the energy mix, with the development of solar, onshore wind and offshore wind power production capacities.

Eolien [ENGLISH]

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Wind power generation in France

Last update: 02 October 2024 at 10:20
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Annual Monthly
Global Energy source
          • Incomplete year
          • Preliminary data

          Informations and sources

          This graph gives an annual and monthly overview of wind power generation, both overall and by sub-sector: onshore wind power, offshore wind power.

          • The development of wind power production is an important parameter in the energy transition, since it is a renewable and low-carbon energy source. Wind power generation in France began to develop with the construction of onshore wind farms. In 2022, the first offshore wind farm went into service. 
          • In 2022, despite relatively unfavourable weather conditions, output rose on the back of expanded capacity. 


          The data can be of various kinds:

          • Data from RTE meters and distribution network operators. In order to draw up global consumption or production balances, we need to have an aggregated view of all metering data on the transmission and distribution perimeters. These data are only available on the 15th of each month for the month just ended. Although updates are possible for at least 12 months, the consolidated data is very robust from the first date of availability.
            Provisional data, derived from telemetry set up by network operators at various points on the power grid, supplemented by estimates for non-telemetered production or consumption. Provisional data provide an initial overview, available very quickly after each deadline; they are not of the same quality as metering data (estimates taken into account, less accurate measurement than metering data, etc.). Graph elements based on provisional data are indicated by a specific pictogram on the portal.


          Production éolienne en 2023

          En 2023, la production éolienne terrestre (48,9  TWh) a largement dépassé le précédent record de 2020 (39,7 TWh) grâce aux effets conjugués des conditions météorologiques favorables et d’un parc installé qui a continué sa progression.

          • Depuis 2022, la production éolienne en mer  a commencé à être visible dans le mix de production français : avec désormais trois parcs dont un totalement en service depuis fin 2022 (Saint-Nazaire) et deux en cours de déploiement en 2023 et dont l’installation devrait être terminée courant 2024 (Saint-Brieuc et Fécamp), l’éolien en mer a représenté 1,9 TWh sur l’année 2023, contre 0,6 TWh en 2022. 
          • la production éolienne a atteint des niveaux inédits au cours des mois de janvier, mars, novembre et décembre 2023 (de l'ordre de 6  TWh / mois). L’éolien a ainsi contribué à la sécurité d’approvisionnement sur l'hiver, permettant de limiter le recours aux centrales alimentées par les combustibles fossiles. 
          Legend and filters

          Parc installé éolien

          Last update: 13 August 2024 at 15:13
          Legend and filters >
          Annual Trimestriel
                • Toutes les filières
                • Incomplete year
                • Preliminary data

                Informations and sources

                Ce graphique présente une vision annuelle et mensuelle de l'évolution de la puissance installée éolienne et le détail par sous-filière : éolien terrestre, éolien en mer.​

                • L'année 2022 a été marquée par la mise en service, le 23 novembre 2022, du premier parc éolien en mer français au large de Saint-Nazaire. Ce parc est composé de 80 éoliennes à fond fixe situées entre 12 et 20 km des côtes, d'une puissance cumulée de 480 MW.
                • Deux nouveaux parcs éoliens offshore sont en cours de construction (Saint-Brieuc et Fécamp) et devraient être opérationnels fin 2023. 
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                Capacity factor for wind generation

                Last update: 13 August 2024 at 15:13
                Legend and filters >
                Annual Monthly
                Onshore wind (evolution) Offshore wind (evolution)


                      • Incomplete year
                      • Preliminary data

                      Informations and sources

                      The graph represents the monthly and yearly capacity factors which correspond to the monthly and yearly average value of the half-hourly capacity factors. It also represents the maximum value of the half-hourly capacity factors.   

                      • The capacity factor is defined as the ratio between production and installed capacity. 
                      • In 2022, the weather conditions were not favourable for wind power generation: the wind capacity factor for onshore wind was 21.6%, down from 23.2% en 2021 and 26.6% in 2020. 



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                      Share of demand covered by wind power

                      Last update: 13 August 2024 at 15:13
                      Legend and filters >
                      Annual Monthly
                      Onshore wind (evolution) Offshore wind (evolution)


                            • Incomplete year
                            • Preliminary data

                            Informations and sources

                            The graph represents the yearly and monthly coverage of demand in France, with average and maximum values. 

                            • The share of demand is calculated for each half-hourly period as the ratio between the wind generation and the gross consumption in France.